GeekCast Episode 6: Plugging the Right Holes


Every week Lisa Picarille, Shawn Collins, Jim Kukral and I do an episode of “GeekCast” where we discuss current trends in the geek marketing world ranging from tech to performance marketing.

The show is very free form and wide ranging, but there is a good deal of valuable discussion on affiliate marketing and related tech issues.

Here’s a brief and incomplete list of discussions this week:

-Headset Tech – Analogue or USB?
-Lisa’s Skype Troubles
-Cable is Dead?
-Super Bowl Twitter Friends
-Paying to Play in UK Affiliate Networks
-HD DVD is Dead
-Group Twitter at Affiliate Summit
-Ze Frank is the Steve Guttenberg of the Internet
-Jangro’s Approach to Affiliate Summit
-Affiliate Summit Attire
-Interesting Trends from the AffStat Report
-Aweber and Email Lists
-Gratuitous Nudity
-Gratuitous Pre-Rolls
-Gratuitous Politics
-Jim’s YouTube Porn Searches
-Jesus Horses
-Shawn Loves Metrosexual Country

Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

Game Changing Tech

Yesterday, BlogTalkRadio released an API structure for making basic podcasts.

Basically, you call into 646-200-0000 and record audio on your phone. Sounds simple, but the backend is where it gets fun.

Once you make your call and record your message, audio or (potentially) podcast, you can access it via RSS at a feed determined by the number from which you called.

For example, here is the feed for my “roadcasts” as I’m calling them. If you click that link, you’ll be taken to an RSS feed that will allow you to hear podcasts as I make them on the fly. I’m posting them on my “art blog”, but if you use a feed reader you can just grab the feed.

This could be huge, folks. Simple. Easy. No “web2.0” interface, just RSS goodness.

And if you need A List validation, here is Scoble’s feed and here is more from the Father of RSS and one of my scripting heroes, Dave Winer.

Growing Up Wilco

I love Wilco and can’t wait to see them again on the 29th in Charleston. In my opinion, they are the greatest American band out there right now…

Extended Play Music News by Todd Martens – The Envelope – LA Times: “Indeed, it’s astonishing to see the amount of growth and evolution the band has covered in just over a decade. It’s hard to imagine the alt-country Wilco of 1996 tackling the dancey, electronic groove of ‘Spiders (Kidsmoke),’ from Wilco’s 2004 album ‘A Ghost is Born.’ Or then dialing it all down for the easy-going soul of ‘Hate It Here,’ from Wilco’s latest, ‘Sky Blue Sky.’ Fans who have stuck with Wilco since Day One were rewarded with one of the most ardently adventurous bands around, and they showed their enthusiasm by turning songs such as ‘Airline to Heaven,’ ‘Jesus, Etc.’ and ‘Hummingbird’ into full-on crowd sing-alongs.”

It’s been an amazing trip watching the band morph and change while I do the same. I first discovered Wilco during my freshman year of college in 1996 (bought Being There b/c I liked the album cover) and have been hooked every since. It’s been a fun 12 years.

And if you need to hear some Wilco, here’s a set from last Aug 22 (my birthday, btw):

Part 1
Part 2

Thanks to Ashley for sending over.