Seafloor Sediment Superhighway

Not that bioturbation was on your “To Think About” list for today… but you should think about bioturbation and its role in the larger biosphere. Fascinating stuff!

Mapping the seafloor sediment superhighway | YaleNews:

“Our analysis suggests that the present global network of marine protected areas does not sufficiently protect important seafloor processes like bioturbation, indicating that protection measures need to be better catered to promote ecosystem health,” Tarhan said.

Happy Aphelion, Earthlings!

I always love working with my students to help them realize the really interesting nature of the Earth’s tilt (and wobble) and how it directly impacts our seasons rather than proximity to the Sun!

When Is Aphelion 2023 and What It Means – The New York Times:

But don’t expect any relief from summer. Seasons on Earth are the product of changes in the amount of direct sunlight as the planet tilts toward and away from the sun — not its orbital path. It would take a much greater swing, so that the amount of received sunlight dropped significantly, in order to notice the difference.

Something Funny Happened On the Way to Teaching Earth Science

I wasn’t particularly sure how my teaching year would go this year. I knew I was teaching Physics and Physical Science. Both of those are right in my wheelhouse and I enjoy teaching both of those immensely, and I’m incredibly passionate about the topics in those subject areas. However, the big question was Earth Science (and teaching 6th grade, which I’ve never done for an entire year). 

Turns out, I fell in love with my 6th-grade classes and Earth Science has become something of a new passion of mine. I did not see that coming.

Lately, I’ve been reading books on geology and geologic time scales and catastrophic events and listening to audiobooks on plate tectonics and seabed composition, and subscribing to Apple News topics about geophysics, and hydrology… weird.

I’ve always been somewhat interested in Earth Science adjacent topics, obviously. I remember enjoying my own time in an Earth Science class in 8th grade and then in basic geology in college. But having to plan out an entire year and helping to motivate 11, 12, and 13-year-olds to get interested in the water cycle helped me realize just how incredible the topic can be.

Reminding young people that Earth, as we know it, is an incredibly and rapidly ever-changing system and not some static immovable rock where things have always been the same has been such a joy and a privilege. Plus, it’s a humbling reminder of our own human place in the Creation and the Cosmos!

I can’t wait to explore some of these topics with our Upper Schoolers next year in our new Earth & Space Science class that we’re launching next year at TSA!