FriendFeed + GTalk = Twitter Alternative?
So, I’m goofing around with possible Twitter clones and decided to leverage FriendFeed‘s aggregation of GTalk’s status update messages and see if that would work.
Here’s what it looks like:
Pretty nifty if you are using FriendFeed’s web service or using Twhirl to watch FriendFeed.
Plus, there are comments and groupings ftw.
That's really a good deal for them. Congrats!
This sounds like a very potent partnership.
Indeed a good one, I would say yes to it!
Twitter had been really famous bt if I were the ones who made Twitter I'll change the status character capacity, well 140 characters is not enough for me to say what I want to share
friendfeed is more like twitter except the link we post did not cloak. i think we should give a try on this program
Thanks a lot for this ingenious tip, it might also help in receiving traffic and also improving our website visibility towards other internet users, I think that this procedure plus twitter will be a big blast of traffic.
Thanks a lot for this ingenious tip, it might also help in receiving traffic and also improving our website visibility towards other internet users, I think that this procedure plus twitter will be a big blast of traffic.