
is it kosher to say “happy easter”? i should know with a divinity degree, i guess. makes me feel sorta uneasy saying “happy easter” since what we’re observing here was a rather revolutionary event.

maybe we should say “take easter seriously this year, dammit” instead of “happy easter”?

During night 2008.03.18/19 the “Pi of the Sky” apparatus located at Las Campanas Observatory was observing the Swift satellite field of view with 10s exposures from 5:49 UT. At 6:12 UT we observed exceptionally bright optical flash reaching 5.8 magnitudo. It was automatically detected by the flash recognition algorithm.


During night 2008.03.18/19 the “Pi of the Sky” apparatus located at Las Campanas Observatory was observing the Swift satellite field of view with 10s exposures from 5:49 UT. At 6:12 UT we observed exceptionally bright optical flash reaching 5.8 magnitudo. It was automatically detected by the flash recognition algorithm.

GRB080319B by Pi-of-the-Sky

“blogging” is broken. way too over the top, too finely produced and too fake.

time to burn it to the ground and start over.

we’re doing it wrong.


“blogging” is broken. way too over the top, too finely produced and too fake.

time to burn it to the ground and start over.

we’re doing it wrong.

So Wrong It’s Funny

Shoemoney® is early on the April Fools’ Day jokes…

How Long Until Someone Is Killed At An Affiliate Summit – ShoeMoney®: So lately I have been asked a lot why I no longer attend affiliate summits. Well this is basically it. I think I would have had a lot more fun at the affiliate summit back a few years ago when I used to love to get drunk and crazy but that is not really my thing anymore. Mix that in with the fact each time I was asked to speak it was a complete train wreck. Then mix in the death threats, and the fact its kind of become a thug conference … well I just have a hard time justifying paying money to experience that… if that makes any sense.

This is why I don’t watch much TV these days… I have posts like this on the internets to laugh at and entertain me.

Head over and read the whole gut-busting post (and don’t forget the comments from the Shoemoney® Sheep Show as well).