Doing My Thing

...what’s going on with the Performance Marketing Alliance, some cool WordPress plugins, and how all your business are belong to Google.” Even though Lisa pwns my AffiliateThingness, it was still...

MarketingTrends v2

It was time for a redesign: » theme :mnmlist: “I developed a pretty minimalist WordPress theme for, and I’d like to share it with my fellow bloggers. This theme...

I Love This Theme

If you have a WordPress blog, do yourself a favor and check out this site: There are three themes there that I absolutely love for their simplicity.  This one...

New Feed Address

Apologies to all, but with the move to a hosted WordPress blog, I’m also consolidating and changing my feeds. So, the feed address you need to use is: For...

Our AI Assisted (Near) Future a new WordPress install and set up four email accounts with the following names. Also, go ahead and link the site to Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools, and install...